Mystical Lake Way Escape

(41 votes, average: 4.24 out of 5)

The mystical lake is being surrounded by a huge forest and to get there one needs to pass through the tests of the place, if they fail then they need to find their way back and do this all over again, if they pass however then they are granted access to the lake. But one should be careful with that lake though, for it is also filled with illusions and in fact the entire land is! That day, Nelson managed to pass through the tests of the forest, but now that he is in the vicinity of the lake, he can now be in awe of the place with its natural beauty along with the illusions.

Nelson spent an hour there but now he is starting to get confused though, okay now it’s time to leave, but not without going through another test of the place however, and that is to find the exit while dodging different illusions which will be thrown at him! Okay, Nelson didn’t expect that for this is the first time he even made it to the lake, will you help him then escape players so you can test your skills of escape here as well?

Mystical Lake Way Escape is the newest point-and-click wilderness escape game created by WoW Escape.

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