Merchant Escape

(45 votes, average: 4.51 out of 5)

Morty is a rising-star of a merchant for he works hard to sell his merchandise to different places and as everything progresses, his popularity rises as well. As another good point, his products are also preferable and before he even knew it, he had been traveling around the country selling his products. That day, he was scheduled to yet another business meeting in a village somewhere in the forest and he thought it’s one of those guys who wanted to buy his business again, but still he didn’t turn down this meeting for all he knows, this could be something that he might take advantage of. Well he could not be more wrong.

At first it was good, Morty met-up with the people and everything was good, turns-out they just wanted to order a lot of his products and they needed to meet Morty personally to confirm the transaction, now Morty is set to leave again. Morty prepared his gear and left, but somehow as he did he noticed something. There was nobody around in the village anymore and it’s strange for people are roaming around earlier, now there is really nobody around. Morty reached the gate and that’s when he realized that he could be in-trouble, for there is nobody around and the gates are locked! Morty began to increase his alertness then for even though he is old but not too old, he still values his life. Escape players, Morty needs to escape right-away before the worst of his fears comes true. Will you help him out and quickly before things gets bad?

Merchant Escape is the newest point and click area escape game created by 8b Games and Games 2 Mad.