Frog Escape From Crocodile

(21 votes, average: 4.10 out of 5)

This forest here is full of weird things and Daniel is friends of some of those weird things. One of them was this frog he can talk! That day he was heading directly to this frog’s place which was in a pond so they can talk and just hangout. But as he got there, he never thought he’d be trying to save his frog friend.

The frog is in the middle of the pond and in the water surrounding him were crocodiles! They would not let him get into the water. Daniel is not sure what’s going-on here but he saw his friend’s face and it is really screaming for help. Escape players, Daniel is not sure how he’ll do this rescue, will you help him then so that he can get his frog friend out of there?

Frog Escape From Crocodile is the newest point-and-click wilderness rescue escape game from Wow Escape.

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