Fantasy Renovation Jungle Escape

(40 votes, average: 4.35 out of 5)

Margaret knows about the secrets of this wilderness near the village where she lives, and through the years she heeded the warnings of her parents and people who had been into the place not to go in there. Those secrets were not very good though, more troublesome and sinister, but those were the days before and in the present time, Margaret is in her enlightened years and she thought those stories could just be scares so the children wouldn’t go in the area. That’s why she went in it that day to figure the land out herself! Well, that’s a thing she shouldn’t have done, for her intuitions are still too young and she will only be proven wrong.

Margaret got lost in the forest the moment the 30 minute mark hit as she was going around the place! Margaret could not escape the place and her feelings are starting to go down now as the sun moves to set slowly. Margaret is starting to get very concerned, she really needs to escape the place before her nightmares gets realized here. Escape players, Margaret seems to have already gotten the picture of the place now, and this was enough for her already for she knows there will be something else that’s coming if she doesn’t find her way out of there soon. Will you help her then and quickly while the sun is still up?

Fantasy Renovation Jungle Escape is the newest point and click wilderness escape game created by WoW Escape.

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