Fantasy Buffalo Animal Escape

(45 votes, average: 4.31 out of 5)

One should be very careful in this forest here, for a lot of people have fallen victim to it and it’s not even in natural ways! As a person who knows the place well, Orville have been coming back there for years and each time he dodges the unnatural things in the place which are the magical stuff! That’s what had been getting the people there, and unfortunately for them most are never to be seen for again. Despite of him not wanting to get involved with the magical things in the forest though, that day he was going to, for one of the magical animals needs his help!

Escape players, Orville might not be able to handle whatever the problem is there with one of the magical creatures of this forest, but would you like to see and even help him with whatever is going on there?

Fantasy Buffalo Animal Escape is a brand new point-and-click wilderness rescue escape game from Big Escape Games.

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