Escape Journey

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The journey to the wonderous East. After the Gauger Strait was discovered last year, a huge oppurtunity opened up to establish connections with the other continent. For hundred of years, it was believed that it was impos sible to reach the other continent except on only one week of the year. On this certain week, the icebergs open up a narrow path for ships to pass. However, in most cases the ships never reached the other continent. They just went missing. According to the legends, strange monters inhabit those icebergs who seek to destroy anything that tries to pass. There were only two known ships in histroy that managed to pass and als return. They brought a map of the safe strait as well. You’re now a leader of an exedition that crossed this straight and now exploring the huge lands of this world. However, it seems you can’t trust anyone here. You found a village where the governor hosted you, but it turned out he just wanted to lock you inside this house and sell as slaves. Let’s escape!

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