Cute Weasel Family Escape

(25 votes, average: 3.44 out of 5)

Dall’s massive cage outside his house caught something he had never caught before and it’s not just one but a whole family of it! The cage captured an entire family of Weasels! Dall was quite confused how they all got trapped in there and at the same time he was in awe for he had never seen a weasel this up close before. Well, the day must move on and Dall needs to free these animals for he doesn’t really need them, but for that he needs to find the key to the cage for it seems that thing is missing.

Escape players, Dall needs a little help here in freeing these cute weasels, he needs to get these animals out quick so that they can return to the forest and do their daily routines. So will you help Dall with this?

Cute Weasel Family Escape is the newest point-and-click animal escape game created by Games 2 Jolly.

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