The Circle – Mushroom City Escape

(7 votes, average: 2.86 out of 5)

They said that mushrooms are good especially when it’s on a pizza. You love pizza so much and you will do everything just to make it taste better. Because of that, you went to the mushroom city to gather mushrooms. However, there is something that you realized in this trip and that is the fact that you are allergic to mushrooms. Red spots started to show up on your skin and you started to swell. This is not the risk that you are willing to take for your pizza. Maybe you should go back to the old recipe but first, you have to find a way to escape from this place. Luckily, there are clues that can help you to solve all the puzzles that you will encounter along the way. Not only that, there are also items that you can collect and those items can help you eventually.

You just have to use your logic to be successful. It gets itchier every minute so you have to escape from this city as soon as possible. The Circle – Mushroom City Escape is a brand new point and click room escape game from Enagames that you will enjoy. Good luck and have fun!