Red Diamond Rescue

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People love diamonds especially ladies. They thought that diamonds just depicts one’s social status but there’s something more about it. What they didn’t know about these diamonds is that they come in different colors. Diamonds are not just colorless crystals. It comes in different colors like blue, purple and red. As a matter of fact, the most precious of them all is the last one. But that is not the most shocking truth about diamonds. People know it as an inanimate object but the truth is, they are alive and they have feelings. This is what you learned about your research on diamonds. You also want to share it to the world but first, you have to stop the miners from getting them. The thing is, miners still don’t know about this truth.

You have to stop them before they transfer those to the city. Ladies wait for those diamonds impatiently so you have to do rescue the diamonds as soon as possible. Play Red Diamond Rescue and look for clues that can help you to solve this puzzle. This exciting point n’ click escape game is made by Escape Games Today for you to enjoy. Good luck and have fun!

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