Best Room Escape

(19 votes, average: 3.26 out of 5)

You checked into the hotel and you booked for a small room. But they offered you their best room. You declined their offer after you saw the price. It was quite unaffordable and it’s out of your budget. But they presented promos just for you. They offered the room for just half the price plus you can enjoy all of their amenities for free. Because of this, you accepted their offer. You thought that you made a wise decision but when your bill arrived, you saw so many hidden charges. You have to pay for all of this and if not, you can’t leave the hotel. The hotel was unfair and you felt the injustice.You don’t have enough money to pay for the charges and escaping from the hotel is the first thing that you have in mind but there are so many guards inside the hotel.

Think of an escape plan. There are clues that can help you with this. You may also collect items that you can see around the hotel. Use those objects to escape. Logic is very important for you to complete this escape game. Best Room Escape is the newest room escape game from Kids Jolly Tv. Good luck and have fun!


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