Flu Forest Escape

(39 votes, average: 4.62 out of 5)

The forest houses some strange things and that is why it is called the flu forest, well it’s not because it gives people some sickness whenever they come there, but there are strange creatures in the place which resembles viruses! They are curious beings and actually, they are a part of the fauna of the place but they aren’t normal animals however. That day, Gerry will be going to the said place for he was curious of the creatures that are there in the land, he needs to be ready though for not everyone can just go in there and get out, some people don’t even make it out of there!

Gerry is in the place now and he is confident he won’t get lost, he is already seeing the said beings there too and they are just as weird as described. Maybe he can come here anytime no problem now for it isn’t actually that difficult to get there? Well that is the problem with overconfidence, for if it isn’t controlled well then the higher the chances that certain someone is going to get in trouble. Escape players, that is exactly what happened to Gerry here and he is now going to need some help, will you be able to give him a hand here with the problem before the worst of the situation comes next?

Flu Forest Escape is a brand new point and click wilderness escape game released by WoW Escape.

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