Stone House Deep Forest

(32 votes, average: 3.16 out of 5)

In an area which still belongs to the green forest, there are houses scattered across it and some are old but the others are quite luxurious! Looks like the rich are starting to love the area and that’s why they are living in the place now. One rich guy who also lives in the place was Oliver, and one day he wanted to visit the houses near him for he was told that some are still inhabited. That day, Oliver went deeper into the area but he wasn’t afraid to get lost though for it’s still early in the day and there is a path. But because those are the only things he relies on, when those started to disappear he really began to panic!

Earl got lost in the place for he had become curious of one house that he strayed away from the path, now he can’t find it and the sun is slowly going down. Escape players, Earl is definitely in a minor problem here at the moment but it can turn into a major one when darkness falls, what will you do if you are faced with the same situation as Earl’s? Come and try this escape challenge then, give it a go!

Stone House Deep Forest is another new point and click wilderness escape game made by Fun Escape Games.

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