Wakeup The Jack Sparrow

(37 votes, average: 4.57 out of 5)

The old ship here could sink any moment, that’s because the thing had gone through a lot and now it’s very close to its retirement, that’s why people are advised not to go in there anymore for it won’t be easy to get out of there if the ship finally collapses after being removed of its supports one by one. But that day though as things were moving, you were asked to get someone inside the ship for he is drunk and wouldn’t budge, and that someone is no other than the headache of the sea, captain Jack Sparrow!

He is inside the ship and people thought he might have wandered into the place while he is under the influence, now he fell asleep there and is really resisting everyone. You all need to get him out of there before this ship collapses on him, but he is kind of a pain to everyone here though and that’s why you are alone in this rescue, for the others doesn’t really want to get involved with him. Okay then escape players, this task is for you now for you have no bone to pick with him and you still have your humanity. Well will you be able to accomplish the hardest task here of all though and that is getting Jack Sparrow out of the ship and potentially saving his life?

Wakeup The Jack Sparrow is a brand new point and click ship rescue escape game from Games 2 Rule.

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