Unsightly Chameleon Escape

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Neville is a bit confused why people don’t like this specific chameleon roaming around the village, maybe it’s the color that’s making them uneasy? Or what about the eyes and they way it looks at them? Neville for one thought the chameleon was an exquisite animal and is worthy for study. That day, Neville was ready to do as he planned for a while now, and that is to study the animal and its behavior on why it doesn’t really go back to the forest where it belongs, and also about its traits as well as routines. Little did Neville know though he’ll find the creature in a bit of a bind and it’s almost quite literally!

Neville searched high and low until he was able to find that chameleon, but it is stuck inside some cage though for the contraption is locked! Neville doesn’t understand why it is inside it though, but it could be an accident here so he’ll just free it. Escape players, Neville is a bit concerned of one thing however, what if this is not an accident and somebody did try to get the animal trapped? Well he could get in trouble here and that’s why he decided he’ll free it quickly so that nobody will see him. Want to help Neville here free that chameleon so he can maybe protect it then?

Unsightly Chameleon Escape is a new outdoors animal rescue escape game developed by Games 4 King.