TV Signal
The TV Signal is the edition of an old escape game created by Demolacion for Sniffmouse. You recently purchased a new television, but it is not working. You’ll have to return to the shop to modify it. You suddenly realize that the exit is locked. 12 sniffmouse icons are needed in this room. They will help you to find the exit. Have fun!
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Walkthrough video for TV Signal
Does anyone else have trouble getting the dials to work? I’ve set them according to the hint on the picture, but I can’t seem to get the cabinet to open. Any help?
I did and looked at the walkthrough and couldn’t see what I was doing wrong. I refreshed the game and went to the dials before I had the clues and it worked straight away…really odd…good game otherwise apart from the minor bugs.
It doesn’t work for me either. I followed the picture hint, then looked at the walkthrough on YT to check it was right (it is) and then I tried to brute force it. Nothing.
you must set the dials during the music is playing. The clue is”listen to radio”
Did nothing
I can’t get music to play. Fooled around with the radio and set it to AM/FM – changed stations and nothing happened.
97.5 I think
Thanks, this time it worked.
What a shame! The door didn’t open for me either…
I love the Sniffmouse games.
Weird I had no problem; it’s Sniffmouse, I had to try it. I hit the dials with just some random clicks I don’t even know what I did, & it opened. So I had a good experience. I keep the music playing (upper left corner, speaker & Sniffmouse), maybe that’s the “radio”?