Surgery Room Escape

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You don’t know how you got here. The last thing you remembered before losing consciousness was you were in a hospital. Your sickness was already eating the life out of you. You even decided to just let things go for your peace of mind. Then everything went black. You thought you’ll be moving on to the next stage people with near death experiences were talking about. However, you found yourself in a surgery room. You looked  around hoping to find someone who can explain what was happening. At the corner of your eyes, you found a figure of a person. You looked around the room hoping to find someone else with you. Then again, what you found was just your own reflection in the mirror. Somehow you found this both worrying and a relief. Having someone else with you could also spell danger.

You examined closer the room and realized you were in a surgery room. You didn’t know if you were just about to receive the surgery or it was already over. Still the thought of being alone in the room with the things for surgery was too much for you to handle and you needed an escape. Play Surgery Room Escape room escape game by Genie Fun Games.