Snake Princess Escape Episode 03

(25 votes, average: 3.76 out of 5)

Gunther continues to help the snake princess here, but now this is all starting to swerve to something different, for this tiara and gems the princess is missing can actually turn her into her human form! The princess is actually possessing an item that can change her form, but she was saving this transforming thing only in important times, but this tiara is being toiled now and she might need to use it the moment she gets it.

Escape players, Gunther will continue to help the princess here still even if circumstances changed a bit, for this princess is her friend and he’ll definitely help. Would you like to assist Gunther here as well so that retrieval for this tiara and the other things too can finally be done?

Snake Princess Escape Episode 03 is a brand new point-and-click item retrieval escape game released by WoW Escape. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is a part of the first game as the start of the series.

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