Satisfy The Skeleton Hunger
The skeleton in this game is a forest dweller, he is not harmful but one should get away from him for who knows what he wants and where he is going, anybody should really not involve themselves with the affairs of the UN-dead. But one day however, the skeleton just wants one thing and that’s something to eat. He doesn’t want any humans, but what is he hungry for? You don’t know and he doesn’t know either. Okay, so your task is to locate something to give to this skeleton so he can eat it for you wanted to help.
Escape player, we are on a search here now for food for this hungry skeleton. Will you be able to find something for it then?
Satisfy The Skeleton Hunger is a brand new point-and-click item retrieval spooky escape game from Wow Escape.
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Walkthrough video for Satisfy The Skeleton Hunger
Did not have the hooded skull for veggie pot in my game as it was in the walkthrough.