Satiate The Ravenous Bird
A bird is in its nest here ready to fly, but because she doesn’t have any food, Hector who frequents the forest here and is a friend to all must help on that. Hector knows this bird and he also knows that this one has a long way to go from where she is. This one is a messenger bird and she helps by sending anything to different areas in the wilderness here for everyone. The thing that she will be delivering today was ironically also food, but she cannot take anything from it though. This thing is heavy and she is going to need all of the energy she can get in-order to make this trip.
Escape players, imagine you are Hector here now, will you be the one to save this bird from her problem today? Get her some food then so she can leave with everything that she needs.
Satiate The Ravenous Bird is a brand new point-and-click outdoors animal rescue game from Games 2 Rule.
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