Rescue The Grizzly Bear

(52 votes, average: 4.44 out of 5)

As a photographer, Simon must respond to calls for his expertise so he can build a name and a reputation for his clients present and future. That day, he was asked by the local zoo to take some photos of their animals so they can use it then for their tarp logos, designs, and info outside their enclosures especially to the ones that are nocturnal and elusive. Simon took the job of course and got to the zoo as quickly as he can. It was a good day to take some pictures, for the lighting is good and the animal’s temperament are decent. Simon ended-up taking a lot of pictures the entire day, now the sun had gone-down but still Simon is going for it to take pics of the nocturnal specimens.

The zoo has a lot of dogs and because Simon was there the entire day, the dogs are now accustomed to him. One was even pulling him to somewhere and because Simon thought it was weird, he followed the dog to a cage that has a little bear in it. The little guy seems to be in an uneasy state and he thought, could it be food? Most likely for Simon is seeing its food is away from him and was still there which it shouldn’t be by now. Escape players, Simon has a hunch that the little bear is hungry, he was about to go get the staff but he thinks he can do this himself. Will you join in and see if you can help too? It’s not necessarily a rescue, but it kind of is technically.

Rescue The Grizzly Bear is a brand new point and click animal rescue escape game released by 8b Games.