Rescue The Friends

(25 votes, average: 4.64 out of 5)

Robert passed through the forest and arrives in this area where ancient temples stands. He knows the place for he comes there often, he has friends there too and they are not the usual kind. Robert’s friends are birds and when he went to the area where they are, he saw them trapped in this weird orb!

Robert was definitely confused when he saw this? Two of his bird friends are trapped in this said orb and no matter how he tried to get them out, he just couldn’t, it seems that this orb is indestructible. But there has to be a way to get it to open though. Escape players, would you like to help Robert here free his bird friends from this strange orb? Find something then that can get the out.

Rescue The Friends is a new point-and-click outdoors animal rescue escape game developed by Hidden O Games.

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