Release The Forest Eagle

(36 votes, average: 4.69 out of 5)

A problem occurred today, for Richard’s massive eagle friend and pet got trapped in a cage in the forest! It’s not just a cage too, for it belongs to the roughest man in the wilderness here and it’s one that Richard didn’t want to face or contend with.

Escape players, Richard thought hard on how he’ll be able to rescue his bird, eventually he landed on the idea that he’ll do this quietly without the guy knowing and get the heck out of there then before he even notices. This is a very tough thing to do, would you like to help him then so that he can do this rescue a bit more easy than he’ll be doing it alone? Find him the items he’ll need to make this rescue then.

Release The Forest Eagle is a brand new point-and-click animal rescue escape game from Games 2 Jolly.

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