Naughty Fox Escape

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You traveled towards a village with a song about a fox blasting on your speakers. It didn’t make much sense but you enjoyed bobbing your head along with the beat. It made your travel way more fun. Then you arrived at the village. It seemed like your kind of party music wouldn’t really fit with the ambiance of the place. However, you saw this as a refreshing change. You placed your stuffs inside the house and head out to find some little adventures. It was your goal to have a little adventure everyday especially in new places. You couldn’t get the song out of your head and it actually made you wonder about animal sounds. As you were thinking of this, you saw a cute fox popped out. You didn’t know how to react afraid that you might scare it away.

But it seemed like the fox already had a target location. It walked towards the house of your neighbor. You thought the fox was a regular there. Yet you realized the owner wasn’t around and you didn’t know what the fox could do inside. You couldn’t turn your back at the situation. So you offered to help the fox escape. Play Naughty Fox Escape outdoor escape game by Avm Games.