Mystery Garden Escape 2
Today, Dwight will be tending to his garden for he has a lot to do there. But there is a mysterious thing though, for he could no longer find the things he needs there.
Dwight became stuck in the garden here for he will be using his time now in searching for the things he needs first. Escape players, why don’t you help Dwight here? To get things done in the garden, gather the necessary items which were the missing ones and find hints, solve puzzles, make connections too as you go. Will you be able to see Dwight succeed here?
Mystery Garden Escape 2 is another new point-and-click outdoors game made by First Escape Games. This game is a continuation of the first one as its sequel.
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Walkthrough video for Mystery Garden Escape 2
Перья исчезают при самой первой попытки их использовать!!! Почему???
Must be glitch. I hope developers will fix.
They won’t. There’s only time for new daily games. With new glitches.