Monkey Go Happy – Stage 854

(88 votes, average: 4.42 out of 5)

There is a very confusing world here somewhere in space, for on a planet in a certain city there, there are stress signals relating to the presence of mini-monkeys. An operative was sent there of immediately and from then he saw the confusing thing.

In this place which was on top of a building, there is a group of monkeys facing another group of humans and that is confusing, for these two beings should not meet for they are separated with billions of miles of space! But they are there and also some mini-monkeys which were now causing stresses. Of course what the operative came for there were the mini-monkeys, so he’ll go after that before they multiply like mad. Escape players, would you like to help the operative on this task?

Monkey Go Happy – Stage 854 is the newest point-and-click retrieval adventure game created by Pencil Kids. This game is a continuation of the previous one as its sequel, and is a part of the first game as the start of the series.

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Walkthrough video for Monkey Go Happy – Stage 854

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