Monkey Go Happy – Stage 163

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You weren’t expecting to see yourself transform right in front of your eyes. The town was buzzing with last night’s events. You slept early last night since you woke up early for school as well. Your school works got the best of you and you didn’t find any time to rest for a while. So the moment you arrived home, you hit your bed and drifted off to sleep. But you remembered hearing the bell ring before losing yourself to your sleep. You didn’t hear anything after that. However, you entered into a dream. Your dream seemed like the reality. It was also night time and the bell was ringing as well. You looked at the tower and you saw your friend riding the rope. You rushed over to him to ask what was happening. Yet a bright light whizzed past and hit you.

You opened your eyes and you felt so weak. You felt like your every joint was creaking and in pain. Your vision was not of help as well. You stood up, wobbled but continued walking towards the tower. Your eyes fell upon the reflection of the street mirror. You couldn’t accept what you were seeing so your adventure began. Play Monkey Go Happy – Stage 163 adventure game by Pencil Kids.