Missing The Office File
The office is now silent for most of the employees there are already out for the day. The one that is left was Damien and he is just a student there who is currently undergoing an on the job training. He is just fixing some stuff and carefully too for some of the paper-works there are important. But even when he was very careful, something still happened and it was a darn mystery for him!
Damien lost an important file! After he realized that he couldn’t find this thing anymore which was very important, he immediately tried to search for it but it’s really nowhere to be found. Escape players, Damien has no answers what just happened to him there, but he is determined to find this file now or he will get in serious trouble. Would you like to help Damien on this?
Missing The Office File is the newest point-and-click item retrieval game created by WoW Escape.
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Walkthrough video for Missing The Office File
I “find it” !!….lol