Mickey Mouse Escape

(28 votes, average: 3.93 out of 5)

This kids playhouse has a lot of learning tools, toys, interactive video games, and books. As a young girl, Brenda loves this place and at times she has this all for herself for the owners of this kindergarten center are her parents. She also goes there when its open and she makes every kid there her friend. That day was repair day so no kids are there, it’s the time when maintenance checks the place just to see if there are dangerous things there which can hurt children like open wiring up to sharp edges. Brenda was there that day too, for she wanted to borrow this mickey mouse toy and she’ll be out when she finds it.

As a staff there, Erica must help of course for her parents are waiting for her at the main hall. They might have some important business to do that day, so Erica will help her find that toy in the various rooms there. Escape players, you will now be playing as Erica here, will you be able to help young Brenda in finding that mickey mouse toy somewhere?

Mickey Mouse Escape is a brand new point-and-click item retrieval escape game released by Games 2 Rule.

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