Manufacturing Valley Escape

(47 votes, average: 4.36 out of 5)

Reggie just woke-up from his short nap at the car factory, he works there as a supervisor and just like everyone else he was entitled with a mid-day siesta. But as he checked the assembly-line for the luxury cars and the trucks, he noticed that there is nobody there and well there should be and the workers is not yet scheduled to abandon their work. Reggie came to check the entire room then and he thought those guys are really going to get in-trouble now, but actually he was already in-trouble and he only realized it when he tried the factory’s doors.

Reggie could not get himself out of the factory for the doors were locked! Is this some sort of prank? Impossible, for none of the guys had the guts to pull a prank on their superiors, which means this could be something else here. Escape players, Reggie could not grasp what is going-on in the car factory at the moment, but he is determined to escape the place so he can find some answers. Will you all be able to find another exit here in the car factory?

Manufacturing Valley Escape is the newest point and click factory escape game from Genie Fun Games.