Man Escape From Ghost
Raymund heads home for he has done his work at the office and he even did an overtime. He did not remember at all that it was Halloween that day, so he just passed through the land hurrying for home without realizing he is very close to the cursed tree! People should be very careful when passing there, but Raymund rushed through and that’s why now a ghost from that tree is trapping him in the same spot he is now standing on.
Raymund remembered everything then, but it is too late now and he is going to need some help. Escape players, come and help Raymund here escape for not only he is tired, he is also very scared of what he got himself into. Will you help him out then by releasing him from the grasps of this cursed tree?
Man Escape From Ghost is another new point-and-click spooky rescue escape game made by Big Escape Games.
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Walkthrough video for Man Escape From Ghost