Grandfather’s Secret Mansion
Daniel was absolutely devastated when he received this letter which at first he did not believe, for the message said that if he had received this, then his grandfather had passed. This was a sick prank definitely, if it is but there was another part of the message though, and it was about a secret treasure which was hidden inside a secret mansion, and what’s surprising about that was his grandfather owned all of such!
Daniel have really no idea about any of this, that’s because he knows his grandfather wasn’t really rich, but he shall check this out though for something like this doesn’t really come to anyone everyday, still if this is real then he is absolutely saddened. Escape players, you will now be playing as Daniel here, will you be able to help him get to the place where the message told him to go to?
Grandfather’s Secret Mansion is a point-and-click item retrieval adventure escape game created by Eldryn.
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Walkthrough video for Grandfather’s Secret Mansion
what’s the, how the, does the game work?
Hi,I found grandfather’s gold, Hahaha.
Utter garbage!
makes no sense
Any hints for this game?
Start by finding a key in the forest
Thanks, I found the key and manage to solve some puzzles in the building
Finished the game:-)