Frozen Paradise
Frozen Paradise is a point-and-click hidden object/escape game created by Ainars and Zeb for Hidden Fan. Explore frozen paradise and search for various birds, foxes, and items to obtain the snowy house key and complete this game. Good luck and have fun!
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Walkthrough video for Frozen Paradise
sweet drawings, lovely scenes – i adore your escape games, ainars!
Thank you Sue!
I remembered this tune… How much it meant to me! Even then, in those long ago years, it was already associated with a great vacation over a beautiful relaxing game.
Great that it brings good memories back!
Good game…more please :)
Lovely way to start a Happy New Year (to everyone!). Thank you. There’s what I would even call an elegance to some of these games, and a creativity that just astonishes me. Because really, just about anyone should be able to play this, yet it’s challenging enough to be interesting to anyone also, without making you frantic. It is kept uncluttered and almost simple in some ways, yet, keeps drawing you along. That’s art!