Find The Kings Crown

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Find The Kings Crown is another new point and click item retrieval escape game made by 8b Games for another daring adventure here looking for a valuable item and with haste. Good luck!

The king got absolutely angry that day, for somebody had pulled the rug under him by stealing the crown which was even passed-down from the first king! A king’s greatness and power is not measured by how big or valuable his crown is, but that item is absolutely priceless and a bit sacred to the kingdom. That’s why as the king’s general, his highness asked for Kier’s help as they all scour the land for that crown. A report came that after the perpetrator stole the item, he or she went straight deep into the mountainous forest and of course, other search parties the search will begin there.

Kier will do everything in his power as the king’s almighty general to find that crown, he must bring it back for if it ever falls into an enemy kingdom, they can potentially use it to negotiate something which the kingdom will not be in favor with. Escape players, join in the attempt to find the king’s crown here, place yourself on Kier’s situation and keep your eyes peeled for the perpetrator and that crown. Have fun everyone!