Fantasy Froglet Escape

(51 votes, average: 4.35 out of 5)

You always want to be a princess. Your favorite fairy tale is about a girl who became a princess when she kissed a frog. That frog became a prince when she kissed him and that is the best story that you read. So whenever you see a frog, you tend to give it a little kiss. The magic that you are waiting for finally happened. You kissed one frog and it magically turned into a handsome prince. However, you didn’t become a princess this time. Instead, you became a froglet. Seems like you and the prince changed place. This is not the fairy tale that you want to happen. The good news is, there is a way to reverse the spell.

You can go back to normal if you can solve all the puzzles in this forest. Those puzzles are not easy but there are clues that can help you out. With that, you have to use your logic if you want to become a princess like you always want to be. You have to escape from this fantasy froglet spell. Fantasy Froglet Escape is a brand new point and click outdoor escape game by WoW Escape. Best of luck!