Escape Dry Desert

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This was supposed to be one of your greatest adventures ever. And it turned out to be that way although you didn’t feel the same excitement. You purposely came to this desert to have epic pictures and adventures. You liked the fact that you can be daring while having all the safety measures. However, it didn’t go as planned. You got so busy taking in the surroundings. And taking photos made you separate from your group. You thought they’d go back and look for you. But there was no sign of anyone coming back. Yet instead of fretting over you situation, you took the opportunity to be a photographer. There were so many interesting things to take pictures of. The more you spent taking pictures of various things, the more you could feel the heat of the sun. You felt like your body was on a grill.

You couldn’t bear the heat so you looked for a place to find shelter from the sun. It gave you a short lived relief. Then again it would be best if you get out of the desert. Leaving is not so easy though. There was no one around so you have to work on your own to get yourself out of the desert. Play Escape Dry Desert outdoor escape game by Mouse City.