Do Not Disturb Day 2

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It’s a sunny day and your friends want to be out of your apartment. You honestly want to stay inside and finish a few chapters of the book you bought. Whenever you’re out, you make time to search for books to read. You really love going to the used books store. It has a lot of books you won’t find in the commercial bookstores in the malls. You love the idea of holding a book someone else owned. It seems like a part of that person remains in the pages of the book he or she read. You’re not only reading the book but also becoming a part of the history of that book. Who knows, you might sell the book one day and once more find it in the same store where you bought it. The idea makes you smile wide as you look through the books.

Then you remember you have to meet your friends. It’s hot out and you’re getting a little cranky. Your friends are feeling the same and your day out turns into a competition of who can get out of the place the fastest without disturbing anyone. Play Do Not Disturb Day 2 outdoor escape game by NSR Games.