• Escape Fan Room 06 Escape – Hardened Edition
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Find The Gold Box

March 24, 2018
56 votes, average: 4.63 out of 556 votes, average: 4.63 out of 556 votes, average: 4.63 out of 556 votes, average: 4.63 out of 556 votes, average: 4.63 out of 5 (56 votes, average: 4.63 out of 5, rated)

A box with gold is nice but what’s nicer is the Gold Box. This is unique and this is your own idea. You want to sell it to the queen and she said that she wants to buy it. That …

Pongal Carnival

January 19, 2018
29 votes, average: 4.66 out of 529 votes, average: 4.66 out of 529 votes, average: 4.66 out of 529 votes, average: 4.66 out of 529 votes, average: 4.66 out of 5 (29 votes, average: 4.66 out of 5, rated)

The best thing about the Pongal festival is the Pongal Carnival. Everybody is in the parade but you chose to stay here in the carnival. You thought that it would be fun but with no people around, it’s not very …

Rescue The Little Mouse

January 15, 2018
43 votes, average: 4.58 out of 543 votes, average: 4.58 out of 543 votes, average: 4.58 out of 543 votes, average: 4.58 out of 543 votes, average: 4.58 out of 5 (43 votes, average: 4.58 out of 5, rated)

Tom the cat is never friends with the cute mouse. You can’t really understand why they always fight. At first, they are not serious about it but it came to the point where Tom kicked out the mouse. The mouse …

Rescue The Forest King

December 26, 2017
20 votes, average: 4.35 out of 520 votes, average: 4.35 out of 520 votes, average: 4.35 out of 520 votes, average: 4.35 out of 520 votes, average: 4.35 out of 5 (20 votes, average: 4.35 out of 5, rated)

You never thought you’d be friends with the king of the forest. When you were younger, you got lost inside the forest. You were so afraid since you could hear some noises that you couldn’t identify. Then somewhere beside you, …

Girl House Escape

December 19, 2017
14 votes, average: 4.00 out of 514 votes, average: 4.00 out of 514 votes, average: 4.00 out of 514 votes, average: 4.00 out of 514 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5 (14 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5, rated)

You’re not the girly type of girl. You just actually wear whatever’s in your closet. And you can’t really identify the difference between female’s and male’s clothing. You can see your favorite stars wearing whatever they like and they’e still …

Village House Santa Escape

December 16, 2017
16 votes, average: 3.81 out of 516 votes, average: 3.81 out of 516 votes, average: 3.81 out of 516 votes, average: 3.81 out of 516 votes, average: 3.81 out of 5 (16 votes, average: 3.81 out of 5, rated)

Most of the people know that Santa lives in North Pole. That is true but what they didn’t know is the fact that Santa also lives in a village. People don’t know that Santa is just one of their neighbors. …

Christmas Tree Decor Escape (Sivi Games)

December 14, 2017
29 votes, average: 4.55 out of 529 votes, average: 4.55 out of 529 votes, average: 4.55 out of 529 votes, average: 4.55 out of 529 votes, average: 4.55 out of 5 (29 votes, average: 4.55 out of 5, rated)

Unknown to you, your grandparents have a snow house. They’re keeping this from you for a long time. They’re worrying that if you ever find out about this, you won’t ever leave. However, now that they’re getting frailer, they need …

Village House Diamond Escape

December 13, 2017
35 votes, average: 4.69 out of 535 votes, average: 4.69 out of 535 votes, average: 4.69 out of 535 votes, average: 4.69 out of 535 votes, average: 4.69 out of 5 (35 votes, average: 4.69 out of 5, rated)

Nobody knows why you’re here. They’re all thinking you’re just on your vacation. But you’re really out for a mission. A mission your grandparents gave you before they left. You weren’t able to move forward ever since their departure. You …

4 Key House Escape

December 12, 2017
34 votes, average: 4.76 out of 534 votes, average: 4.76 out of 534 votes, average: 4.76 out of 534 votes, average: 4.76 out of 534 votes, average: 4.76 out of 5 (34 votes, average: 4.76 out of 5, rated)

You thought it was very clever of you to have four keys to unlock your house. One key could easily invite unwanted persons inside your house. So you asked your friend to install a lock. It could only be …

Green Garden Escape (Sivi Games)

December 11, 2017
35 votes, average: 4.49 out of 535 votes, average: 4.49 out of 535 votes, average: 4.49 out of 535 votes, average: 4.49 out of 535 votes, average: 4.49 out of 5 (35 votes, average: 4.49 out of 5, rated)

You’re planning to be an event organizer and your friend wants to join you. You have so many plans for the events you wish to hold. However, you also want a concrete proof of your willingness and readiness. So you’re …

Xmas Snow Village Escape

December 9, 2017
28 votes, average: 4.36 out of 528 votes, average: 4.36 out of 528 votes, average: 4.36 out of 528 votes, average: 4.36 out of 528 votes, average: 4.36 out of 5 (28 votes, average: 4.36 out of 5, rated)

When you were younger, you knocked over your neighbors snowman. It took him a lot of hours to complete. But since you were young back then, you didn’t think of the efforts of people. And you just really wanted to …

Fantasy Forest Good Coin Escape

December 8, 2017
50 votes, average: 4.68 out of 550 votes, average: 4.68 out of 550 votes, average: 4.68 out of 550 votes, average: 4.68 out of 550 votes, average: 4.68 out of 5 (50 votes, average: 4.68 out of 5, rated)

You’re sleeping late at night trying to watch as many movies as you can. You want to put up a blog about worthwhile movies. And to do so, you need to see many movies so you can choose from them. …

Baby Dog House Escape

December 7, 2017
40 votes, average: 4.53 out of 540 votes, average: 4.53 out of 540 votes, average: 4.53 out of 540 votes, average: 4.53 out of 540 votes, average: 4.53 out of 5 (40 votes, average: 4.53 out of 5, rated)

You have your own tiny house in the forest. Ever since you heard the idea, you couldn’t stop thinking about it. And after years of saving up, you finally have your own tiny space. You really like the idea of …