• Philatelic Escape – Fauna Album 3
  • Metro Escape
  • Find The Teddy Bear

Binghuo Island Escape

October 24, 2018
37 votes, average: 4.59 out of 537 votes, average: 4.59 out of 537 votes, average: 4.59 out of 537 votes, average: 4.59 out of 537 votes, average: 4.59 out of 5 (37 votes, average: 4.59 out of 5, rated)

Holiday is coming and there is other way to spend it than to go to the beach. You want to explore a new beach so you went to the Binghuo Island. You heard so many good things about this place …

Singles Hostel Room Escape

October 13, 2018
39 votes, average: 3.67 out of 539 votes, average: 3.67 out of 539 votes, average: 3.67 out of 539 votes, average: 3.67 out of 539 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5 (39 votes, average: 3.67 out of 5, rated)

Whenever you go to hotels, you see couples taking their vacation. It would be cute to see if you also have a special someone with you. However, that is not the case. You are single and you are enjoying …

Flying Scotsman Locomotive

October 11, 2018
24 votes, average: 3.46 out of 524 votes, average: 3.46 out of 524 votes, average: 3.46 out of 524 votes, average: 3.46 out of 524 votes, average: 3.46 out of 5 (24 votes, average: 3.46 out of 5, rated)

The Scotsman has a lot to write on his newspaper. Today, his goal is to cover the biggest sport event in history. He has to go to a baseball field and the fastest way to get there is the train. …

Detective Find Culprit

October 9, 2018
36 votes, average: 3.97 out of 536 votes, average: 3.97 out of 536 votes, average: 3.97 out of 536 votes, average: 3.97 out of 536 votes, average: 3.97 out of 5 (36 votes, average: 3.97 out of 5, rated)

It took you years of effort and hard work but it is all worth it. You finally graduated from detective school with flying colors. Your performance at school earned you the attention of the top detective agencies. Your unmatched logic …

Texas Cowboy Escape

October 4, 2018
24 votes, average: 3.42 out of 524 votes, average: 3.42 out of 524 votes, average: 3.42 out of 524 votes, average: 3.42 out of 524 votes, average: 3.42 out of 5 (24 votes, average: 3.42 out of 5, rated)

It is time to pack up your bags for a week’s worth of vacation to the west. You are a fan of everything cowboy related and you just got a very pleasant surprise. You have a ritual of sending fan …

Asgard Spaceship Escape

October 2, 2018
19 votes, average: 3.26 out of 519 votes, average: 3.26 out of 519 votes, average: 3.26 out of 519 votes, average: 3.26 out of 519 votes, average: 3.26 out of 5 (19 votes, average: 3.26 out of 5, rated)

You wake up in a weird room. You cannot move your body except for your eyes. As you lay helpless, you shift your eyes around and observe. Surrounding you are machines and gadgets that belong in a science fiction movie. …

Oppenheimer Diamond Escape

September 29, 2018
23 votes, average: 3.35 out of 523 votes, average: 3.35 out of 523 votes, average: 3.35 out of 523 votes, average: 3.35 out of 523 votes, average: 3.35 out of 5 (23 votes, average: 3.35 out of 5, rated)

There is a big boom in the diamond industry. The current trend is diamonds are the new coolest thing around. Everybody is flaunting their diamonds. Everywhere you go, there is surely at least a few people who adorned themselves with …

Mossy Forest Escape (GelBold)

September 19, 2018
16 votes, average: 3.81 out of 516 votes, average: 3.81 out of 516 votes, average: 3.81 out of 516 votes, average: 3.81 out of 516 votes, average: 3.81 out of 5 (16 votes, average: 3.81 out of 5, rated)

To trek and walk through the forest is your hobby. Because of that, you always try to find new forest that you can explore. Miles away from your home, you found an interesting forest. You didn’t think twice to …

Hot Girls Room Escape

September 15, 2018
44 votes, average: 4.45 out of 544 votes, average: 4.45 out of 544 votes, average: 4.45 out of 544 votes, average: 4.45 out of 544 votes, average: 4.45 out of 5 (44 votes, average: 4.45 out of 5, rated)

Girls are amazing. You love them so much and you look up to them. One day when you grow up, you want to be one of the hot girls. You love it when they wear your favorite shade of …

Village Boy Turkey Escape

September 12, 2018
18 votes, average: 3.11 out of 518 votes, average: 3.11 out of 518 votes, average: 3.11 out of 518 votes, average: 3.11 out of 518 votes, average: 3.11 out of 5 (18 votes, average: 3.11 out of 5, rated)

It is almost time for the annual village feast. As per the village tradition, a randomly selected boy must raise a turkey as an offering for the great village feast. Coco, the chosen boy for this year, has been looking …

Fire Station Escape (GelBold)

September 11, 2018
44 votes, average: 4.39 out of 544 votes, average: 4.39 out of 544 votes, average: 4.39 out of 544 votes, average: 4.39 out of 544 votes, average: 4.39 out of 5 (44 votes, average: 4.39 out of 5, rated)

Being a fire fighter is not a joke. You risk your life every time you respond to emergencies. This is what you do to serve your country. The first quality of a fighter is being alert. When the bell starts …