• Ghost Bunker Escape
  • The Escape Series
  • The Escape Series


April 5, 2021
26 votes, average: 2.85 out of 526 votes, average: 2.85 out of 526 votes, average: 2.85 out of 526 votes, average: 2.85 out of 526 votes, average: 2.85 out of 5 (26 votes, average: 2.85 out of 5, rated)

Helios is moving through the galaxy in search for new lifeforms and of course enough information he can get which was present in all of the universe. At the moment, he is in a different solar system in the middle …

PENTA – The Sequel To OCTO

April 5, 2021
16 votes, average: 2.94 out of 516 votes, average: 2.94 out of 516 votes, average: 2.94 out of 516 votes, average: 2.94 out of 516 votes, average: 2.94 out of 5 (16 votes, average: 2.94 out of 5, rated)

Once again, Helios is in a world far darker than his home world, it’s his mission to be in different places in the galaxy to search for other life and of course data. But at times though some things not …