Crazy Rat Escape

(19 votes, average: 3.53 out of 5)

Try this animal rescue adventure here escape players, Crazy Rat Escape is another new point and click rescue escape game made by Avm Games for more fun with us. Good luck!

The crazy rat who attacks local birds in the village, destroy crops, and even has enough knowledge to destroy silos, was finally caught! The people of the village had tried their best to capture it but because it was quite smart, it took the man-power of the entire village just to get it. After the successful catch, Louie was given the task to send the rat far-away from the area so it can no longer wreak havoc to the food supply, but well he is kind of thinking otherwise.

Louie recognized that intellectual power of the rat, it’s such a waste if one throws away such a unique animal, so he decided that day instead of releasing the critter to such a far place, he’ll just have to save it and maybe take-care of the creature in his home. He knows how dirty the animal is, but he can’t just sweep the fact that the rat is quite smart, for all they know the little-guy could be a great asset to the village somehow. Escape players, Louie just decided to rescue the rat where it is trapped, care to try the animal rescue as well and see if you can all successfully do it without getting caught? Go ahead then everyone, enjoy!