Chocolate Fairy Escape

(31 votes, average: 4.19 out of 5)

This sweets land here has nothing at all but sweets, even the ground is hard chocolate as well as the clouds which are made of cotton candy. This place is only accessible through magic though and as a sorceress, Vanda can get to the place with her powers. That day as she was there relaxing and just picking on the sweets which are always an arm’s-reach away, she found that her calmness was disturbed by something and she definitely need to respond to that. That disruption is serious for it involves the chocolate fairy which is a being who guards the place and keeps it well!

The fairy told Vanda that some magic hit her and took her ability to fly! Well, not totally though, but her agility have been impeded however and she can only fly like an old fairy, which is very slow. Okay, Vanda might have a clue what happened there but it’s only theories, she’ll help the fairy though for without her this place would no longer exist. Escape players, come aid Vanda here in restoring or finding this fairy’s wings, do this quickly now or time could be of the essence here.

Chocolate Fairy Escape is the newest point-and-click retrieval escape game from Big Escape Games.

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