Can You Escape This Pirate Ship

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You were just cruising on the sea with the breeze blowing gently on your skin. The long cold days were over and you just couldn’t get enough of the bright and vibrant days. So you always made time to be out on the sea to bask in the sunlight. You perfectly knew your path on the sea. For so many years, you had never encountered a problem and you had never received any complaint. This made you enjoy your trips even more. But your good days could never be mixed with not so good ones. There was no notification on any vessel near your area. However, when you looked ahead, you could see a ship. You tried to inform the authorities about it. But they already started to hit your vessel with their canons. You couldn’t believe what you were seeing.

They were pirates and you knew how they were. You just had to face them on your own as your communication was already cut. So you tried to trade with them with whatever you could offer. But they wanted so much more. So they dragged you into their ship. Then they lowered they anchor a few feet away from the land. They all left and you were alone. This was your only chance to escape. Play Can You Escape this Pirate Ship room escape game by Genie Fun Games.