The Beacon Hill – Steen Street

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While you were reading the year book, you saw the picture of your best friend. With that, you suddenly reminisced about the things that you did together. You thought that it would be nice if you pay him a visit. It’s been a long time since you last saw each other and there’s a lot of things that you want to catch up with. You really miss him so much. However, the only address that he has on the yearbook is “Steen Street”. But because you really want to see him, you still went to the street. You thought that once you get there, it would be easy to find his house but you are wrong. This street is so complicated. There are so many twists and turns. You don’t have any contact with him so you planned to go back home instead.

However, that is not an easy thing to do. There are puzzles in every corner of this street that you have to solve before you can escape. There’s no friend that can help you out so you have to find your own way to find the right path. The Beacon Hill – Steen Street is the newest outdoor escape game from Enagames. Good luck!