Arsenic House Escape

(22 votes, average: 4.36 out of 5)

One would think the arsenic house as it’s called, is a dangerous place because it is poisonous. Well it is still dangerous for anyone but not by a kind through heavy-metal poisoning however, but being trapped in there and not be able to get out!

That day, Ford is experiencing just that. He can’t get out of the house for the rooms there became strange and now it would not let him out! So guess their descriptions of the place are actually true, but Ford needs to get out of there right now for things will only get dangerous from that point. Escape players, come and help Ford here escape the house and with haste. For all you know the arsenic thing is actually true there.

Arsenic House Escape is another new point-and-click indoor escape game made by 8B Games and Games 2 Mad.

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