Ant Cart Escape

(54 votes, average: 4.02 out of 5)

You are an entomologist which specializes on the life of ants. Everything and anything that has something to do with ants, you study it; patterns, behavior, physical features, etc.

You were sponsored to go on a one month expedition in an undisclosed location in North America to investigate and/or try to locate a certain species of ants. More than halfway on your expedition, you happened to locate that certain species you were looking for–luck was with you!

You collected some ants and put them inside a glass jar, you then collected samples of the dirt surrounding the ant colony. You were about to head back towards your base camp when all of a sudden the bushes nearby shook. You stopped for a while, waiting for something to happen. Indeed something happened. Two huge anteaters–a hybrid, you guessed–started to charge towards you! Try to escape the anteaters and bring your specimens and samples back to your base camp.