Hazardous Island Escape

(30 votes, average: 4.03 out of 5)

The land is now under threat of an explosive device and at first that doesn’t sound too hazardous to the entire vast forest there, but it actually is for if that bomb were to go off then the dam that’s there would break and it would then wash everything in meters of tide and waves. It is absolutely important that the bomb should not go off, and that’s why Randy was sent there for as a bomb squad operative, he has got to do his job while the other members of the authorities are catching this perpetrator who set the explosive there.

And so Randy moves while the entire area is being evacuated by people and just about anything that can be potentially saved if the worst happens, what remains there is Randy and his immediate team. This should be interesting now, but in no ways is that bomb to go off so that no damage at all can be dealt here. Escape players, Randy needs a little help here for his bomb suit is not allowing him to be agile in this mission. Will you be able to help by at least solving some problems and puzzles there for him? Go ahead then and see to it that the explosive never goes off for if it does, then all hell will break loose there.

Hazardous Island Escape is the newest point and click danger wilderness escape game from Big Escape Games.

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