Save The Rainbow Gorilla

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You’re reading a novel where the setting is in the forest. You haven’t been to the forest for a long time that you forgot how it was. You want to feel as the characters feel while reading the story. So you look for a forest to visit and maybe spend some time reading the novel there. You want to be there as early as you can. This is so you can spend more time in your favorite hobby. This forest is in another city and you don’t know much about it. However, you like the idea of it being an adventure. You’re starting to feel like the character in the novel and you feel wonderful. You park your car a few meters away from the edge of the forest. Then you walk the remaining distance towards the deeper part of the forest.

You’re just looking for a part where you can sit and start reading. But then from the distance you can see a colorful creature in a cage. You hurry over to it and it’s a rainbow gorilla. You can’t just sit and read while the gorilla struggle. So you start a whole new adventure. Play Save The Rainbow Gorilla outdoor escape game by WoW Escape.