Santa Gift Bag Escape (Knf Games)

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It was your first winter ever. You flew in a plane for four hours just to reach this country and enjoy its snow. It took a lot of planning for you to travel to this country. Plus you needed to update your wardrobe as well. You were living in a tropical country and you didn’t own any winter clothing. However, you wanted to buy your clothes there so you could be sure that they could withstand winter. You traveled lightly with an additional empty suitcase. You arrived at the country and instantly looked at the snow forecast. The snow wouldn’t fall for at least two days. This meant that you still had more time to look for your clothes. You decided to hit the market using the bus. But the bus there wasn’t the same with the ones back at your own country.

You were tired from traveling. And you unintentionally slept on the bus. This made you miss your stop until the bus reached its last destination. The driver woke you up and you already saw snow all around. You happily got off the bus to feel the snow and play with it. But you immediately realized you were not where you should be. Play Santa Gift Bag Escape (Knf Games) outdoor escape game by Knf Games.