Golden Statue Helicopter Escape

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You are a spelunker and an archaeologist from Europe and you accepted a proposal about a cave system in Cambodia. You take your gear and immediately took the next plane connecting to Cambodia. You were greeted by the Head of Cambodia’s Tourism Office. He mentioned that a few years back he contacted other spelunkers to map out the cave system but so far they only managed to map out a little area. The cave system being mentioned was the Il’Fhutikka cave system–a Class I cave. Caves classified as Class I are very delicate and fragile geological formations, they also hold paleonthological and archaeological values, these are the most dangerous caves.

You traveled by helicopter towards the cave opening. A few hours inside the cave, you arrived at the point where the mapping stopped, there was a vertical drop so you assumed no one tried to abseil down. You rigged your ropes and began descending; near the end of your descent your headlamp caught something glistening and when you shifted your gaze you saw something inside a crack: a Golden Statue. You pulled the statue out of the crack but the moment you got hold of the statue someone–or something–cut your rope from above. Can you escape this predicament and head towards your helicopter back to safety?