Find My Trekking Shoes

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You’re looking for a new village to settle in. You’ve grown too accustomed to the people and culture in your old village. You fear that you won’t be able to explore new places when you get too attached. So you cut your strings with them and settled in a new village. The new village is more quiet than the previous one. Likewise, you’ll have more areas to explore. But of course before setting off, you ask the people in your new village about the places surrounding the area. The most common story is that there are very playful dwarfs in the area. They mostly borrow the things from the people and hide them until the people grow sick of looking for it. When the people lose interest, they return the thing immediately to maintain the fun. You find these stories quite amusing.

However, you’re also not setting aside the idea that it might be true. So you prepare for your trekking around the village. Then again, you didn’t condition yourself enough. You end up being easily tired. So you rest inside the forest house. Then your short term memory kicks in and you already forget about the reasons for being here. What’s worse is that you can’t remember where your shoes are. Play Find My Trekking Shoes outdoor escape game by Avm Games.